Having an opinion on world affairs seems to oscillate between useless emotion and bland objectivity. When the rancor at some injustice burns, words degenerate into sarcastic sideswipes in some hope that it will, it seems, burn a mark on the imagined perpetrators. You know the view is unbalanced, lacks the freshness of truth, lacks the easy snugness of freedom and is, therefore, primarily an agenda sunk in the quagmires of political machinations. Ok. So you abandon the thickets of emotions. Show ’em your stuff. Don a blizzard of thinking hats. Kaleidoscopic colors of the rainbow. Sidestep the logic trap of pros vs. cons. That’s just the rancor with its balls cut off.
Negativity, that ancient wart of misery said: It cant be that simple. There’s gotta be a catch. Some flaw in the design. Something that you’ve missed, that will surely fuck you over.
Sure, you can confidently reply. The flaw is there. It’s myself. But the rest of it. It works.
So here we have it folks. Firin' up the pistons. Reason is a function of cohesion. Honesty is a plumb line. And both exist in totally different dimensions. Hardware and software. And which is which is a parabolic curve. Another function. Not of mathematical exactness. Parables. The fuzzy logic of the ancients. Hold three, hold four concepts on a single plate. The more they oppose each other the better. Or so it would seem to seem.
With me?
Lost eh? Not to worry. We watchin the sun.
Sun fever rules the roost.
PS: Once you strip away the seeming complexity, what you are left with is a single thought doing the rounds. Cockra koooo.
Honesty is.full stop. Reason is a tiny vague offshoot of honesty. Thats what i know.Dont think they are opposites-did u mean opposites? Yr writing is vague - like you are speaking in half sentences - not knowing tht yr entire thot hasnt popped out!
And the flaw is not you. U just like to think u are.
That my sentences are popping out half formed is flaw enough. Yup, Honesty is. Reason is the coloring crayon that keeps it all on the same page.
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