Monday, October 09, 2006

What I am not Willing to See

I'll tell you what I am not willing to see
I am not willing to see an arcologized future
Where we are herded into artificial constructs
Out of touch with the earth, the sky, the stars

I am not willing to see
A future
Where beauty is only skin deep
Where what you own matters more
Than what you are

C'mon dreamer man
Wake up
said my friend kindly
You already in that world
Do you think the shit shovelers
Ever gave up hoarding wealth?
Do you think they will ever give up
Till the last bit of usefulness has been raped dry
of our fair sister

Not yet, Not yet
They got the guns sure
We got the numbers

And what will you do with these so called numbers?
My friend mocked smiling indulgently
You'll take them on the beaches
You'll beat them down in the valleys
You'll conquer their lands and countries
Get real you cheap punk

I looked down to the ground
Watching the drops form
little splashes of dry wetness
on hot sand

I looked up at the searing sun
I closed my eyes and saw once again:
verdant dreams of peace
pristine, crystal clear

filled with the perfect joy of loving

and out of this unknown future

they waved to me


i smiled and waved back
words exchanged in a lost dialect of the heart

I opened my eyes and looked at my friend
I'll tell you what I am not willing to see
I am not willing to see an arcologized future
Where we are herded into artificial constructs
Out of touch with the earth, the sky, the stars

The sun was a bit hotter that day
We sweated freely
The poisons draining away

And in the night when the stars came up
We could hear the echo of the universe
Across the vast stillness of space

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