Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rahul Gandhi

Inspired by the Tehelka article on Rahul Gandhi: The Pilgrim Prince (Vol 5, Issue 18, May 10, 2008)

Out in the shadows
of our future
I see
Your death certificate
Signed and singed
With the peculiar fires
of hate
Men of evil saying:
Sale ko bhi ooda dega
Baap jaisa

But that could be
Just another nightmare...
Just another citizen
Watching our country
Being Hijacked
And everything
A power driven mania
To subvert justice
Deny truth

That's the way its always been my friend,
With such as these:
A conspiracy to power
Ratcheting any idealogy
To promote hate, sow discord
From The Holocaust to Rwanda
History works overtime
To repeat itself through
These men of hate

Even if our blood should stain the earth
Even if we should become just dust and manure
To enrich our soil
We've only fallen at the hands of our brothers
Which is honor enough.

Misguided as they are
We are yet
one with them
In our love
The impossiblity of hate
Constraining us
Urging us
To do everything that we must
To bring to reality
what our fathers dreamed of
in two short words:
सत्यमेव जयते (satyamev jayate)

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