I couldn’t sleep
My mind
Hyper jacked
Everyone struggling to stand up
Being ground down
By forces bigger than they can control
It seems
In one corner folks
We have the politicians
A sorrier breed you will not see
All corrupt. All greedy.
All not caring
about the one thing
they are supposed
to care about: India
In the next corner
We have the industrialists
And their Creative Accountants
Raping and plundering
In the third corner
We have the government babus
Lining their pockets
With the dross and dregs
Of inefficiency and incompetence
And last but not least
In the fourth corner
We have the religious cartel
That ancient band of misfits
Dressing up in holiness
Peddling authority
Using information asymmetry
To fill their coffers
Christians. Hindus. Muslims.
All the fuckin same
Locking us out of the truth
Locking the gate to heaven
Neither do they enter
Nor do they allow those who would
A more evil bunch of bastards
You will not meet
Jesus wept.
Now I understand why.
And from deep within my heart
I can hear this rabid, hatred
Tearing out in a scream:
“My India, you motherfuckers!”
I stumbled and fell
Pounding my clenched fists
Into the sand
Dry empty sobs
The heat of the sun
Ripping into my mind
Leaving everything desert dry
I was too busy crying
To notice
The shadow which fell
Dark side of the sun
Come a calling
I couldn’t look up
Shitting bricks as they say
It asked me pleasantly
Quit your bitching yet?
I burped up some more hate
No, I snarled, I’ll see them withered to the ground first
It laughed
A musical tone that echoed across the dead veld
Shedding dew drops
Plants flowering where the dew kissed the ground
Relax da, it said
You are less than a 100 years old
The bones of Buddha are part of your dust
The wisdom of Vikramaditya flows in your rivers
The strength of Ashoka runs through your veins
You think some pissant soldiers of destitution
Can take away our pride?
And it played out before me
How it was all going to turn out
My breath caught in my throat
Shining Eyes brimmed
And thankfully,
I could cry
Real tears
Real joy
Real sorrow
Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours.
Richard Bach from the book Illusions
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