Can be a false start
A knee jerk echo
Of past conflambulations
Of tired rituals
Hugging comfort
Forsaking discovery
The eye can have its fill of seeing
Without moving
The ear can have its fill of hearing
Without listening
Out here at the edge of the edge
The universe billows past
Into the future
And time recedes
Into the past
Said the frog
to the monkey
The human knows
how to arrange letters
on a page
Big deal scoffed
the lizard
There is nothing
more peturbational
than a sentient
running amok
in words
Without anchor
without formlessness
echoed the crow
The drunk reeled into the scene
The stench of motivational glory
Shying the animals away
What a stink
The squirrel cried
And looked up to heaven
What will we do with these
the worm full of scorn
The man hacked
At the forest
Carving a clearing
He stood
Sweat dripping down
Muscled determination
The curve of victory
Sneering his lips
He threw back his head
and laughed
I have battled the elements
And conquered
He did not say
Ayn Rand knelt in holy submission
And In her wake
A billion debutants
Writhed in the pleasure
flooding their cunts
(without recourse to gender)
Intelligence never felt so sexy
Or did it?
The peacock swept up its feathers
Exasperation rent the air
Creating space
For new thought forms
Whispering, questing, darkening
The light from the man
Twisting, changing
Some animals watched the show
This is our ruler?
asked the fox
Poor thing, said the sparrow
I will not be pitied
The drunk roared
With a wild swing
The machete
Almost severing
His own jugular
Tch tch remarked the Lion
These humans
He clucked
Non committal
Come, he said
We must retreat
Contact your respective galaxies
We must feign incomprehension
Till they learn
The animals slipped away
Into the shadow of the jungle
The silence in the clearing
Except for the hard labored breath
He screamed
Arms up in the air
I am the winner
He danced
I have won
You have lost
Watching the retreating trail
The lion chuckled
And some bozo
Will crown me
King of the Jungle
The animals looked
At him
Astonished, Bewildered
And then it struck them too
And the jungle exploded into laughter
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