Tuesday, July 01, 2008

dear Mister God

dear Mister God

I’ve been ‘avin you on all these years

But yeah it don’t happen that way

Nobody can put one over you

So I guesss you been just bidin yr time

Maybe laughin in yr sleeve

Mebe cryin…(I hope not)

But oh yeah bein the joker at the party is fine by me

Would thrill me to bits to see ya laugh

Yr guts out

it would


So y’see ‘ere ah was all ready

To load up the confessional

Spill the beans on everythin I’ve done

Give ya the ole teary

“I repent” song-n-dance

But ya wave it aside

Impatient wantin the party goodies

But I guess this one time

I need to do this

Sorta kinda preamable like

And that’s the last this songsters gonna dish

After that

We’re gonna let it roll, baby roll


So I’m goin to go

Flat out after

Each day

(like anna)

But I guess sayin it is stupid enough and

Ah just made it twice as difficult for me to do

I aint sorry where I’ve been

But I sure am sorry that I didn’t hold your hand

Been over in ole Nick’s den

Slep’ wi’ ‘im if you must know

Dragged yr name aroun’ in the muck

Tried to be the devil’s own

But it didn’t just kinda ring true ya know

Even all my anger and rage

My hate pourin fire thro my veins

Was all just your grief n pain

Remindin me how good it is

When you do your thing


So right

Here it is

Am done

Ole Nick

‘ee can go bugger ‘isself

For all I care

Gonna get this show on the road

Gonna gonna gonna

Y’know what all that means

So kick your heels back

And sink down there in yourn cushions

And watch another sun run do its thing


‘N all my needs ya already know

Like the help I need

With askin the right questions

Seein the right me

‘coz if Anna needed it

I need it too

Only jus’ ‘bout a squillion times more


So now you can play your cards

My stack is all dealt out

On the board

Yeah ok, I’ve still got a few

Aces to run through

Some twinklies stored up

It’ll come when it is due

Till then you know

We’ll just let it ride

And watch it all play out

In rhyme n verse

‘coz you’re the one


(and mebe just mebe

I can stick one

In ole Nick’s eye

Right there in the center

Of his face

Something he can’t do nuffin

But accept

And let it ride for all to see

For all eternity

Can I?


Can I?)

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